NanoMind A3200
Versatile On-board Computer for Cube, Nano and Microsat missions
Feautures :
High-performance AVR32 MCU with advanced power saving features
512 KB build-in flash
128 MB NOR flash (On two dies of 64 MB each)
32 kB FRAM for persistent configuration storage
RTC clock
On-board temperature sensors
8 external ADC channels that can also be used as GPIO
External SPI with 3 chip selects
Cubesat Space Protocol (CSP)
GOSH interface for check-out
Attitude control system features:
3-Axis magneto resistive sensor
3-Axis gyroscope
3 bidirectional PWM outputs with current measurements
I2C interface for GomSpace Sensor Bus (GSSB)
Electrical features:
2 x 20-position hard-gold plated FSI one-piece connector

Бортовой компьютер (OBC)
Flight-proven, efficient and robust computer for your mission
Feautures :
Processor - ARM Cortex M7
Program Memory Size - 2MB
RAM - 256kB
Card Slots - 2x MicroSD
Compatibility - Full set of drivers for EnduroSat modules
Double-Redundancy - 3-axis accelerometer and magnetometer
Clock Type - Real Time Clock
Power Saving - Flexible frequency
Mass - 130 g
Interfaces - 4x RS-485, 2x RS-422, 3x UART, 2x I2C, SPI, USB