1U Z Solar Panel
Power Efficiency: ≥30%
Max Power: 2.4W
Internal By-pass diode: reverse bias protection
Solar cells thickness: 150μm ± 20μm
Sensors: Temperature and Sun (optional Gyroscope)
Available with integrated magnetorquer
Compatible with EnduroSat UHF Antenna
Max Voltage: 4.8V (for 2 cells)
Max Current: 504mA
PCB Thickness: 1.6mm
Mass: ≤48g (57.5g with magnetorquer)

Платформа КубСат 1U
payload capacity in the 1U class
Feautures :
Bus Mass - 850 g
Available Payload Mass - 500 g
Available Payload Volume - 97 x 97 x 53 mm3
Average Payload Power Available - 0.7 W
Available Power Buses - 3.3 V, 5 V and Battery raw
Data Rate up to 19.6 kbps

Платформа КубСат 3U
Bus Mass - 2.4-2.9 kg (configuration dependent)
Available Payload Mass - 0.5-1.6 kg (configuration dependent)
Available Payload Volume up to - 97 x 97 x 173 mm3
Average Payload Power Available - 10 W
Available Power Buses - 3.3 V, 5 V, customizable 6-12 V and Battery raw
Telemetry Data Rate - 19.6 kbps
Payload Data Rate up to - 125 Mbps

Платформа КубСат 6U
Earth Observation, IoT, science, and exploration missions
Bus Mass - 4.2-4.8 kg (configuration dependent)
Available Payload Mass - 7.2-7.8 kg (configuration dependent)
Available Payload Volume - 97 x 197 x 223 mm3
Average Payload Power Available - 10-30 W (configuration dependent)
Available Power Buses - 3.3 V, 5 V, customizable 6-12 V and Battery raw
Telemetry Data Rate - 19.6 kbps
Payload Data Rate up to - 125 Mbps

1.5U Solar Panel
Power Efficiency: ≥30%
Max Power: 3.6W
Internal By-pass diode: reverse bias protection
Solar cells thickness: 150μm ± 20μm
Sensors: Temperature and Sun (optional Gyroscope)
Available with integrated magnetorquer and RBF-pin
Max Voltage: 4.8-7.2V (for 3 cells)
Max Current: 504mA
PCB Thickness: 1.6mm
Mass: ≤65g (79g with magnetorquer)

1U Solar Panel X/Y
Power Efficiency: ≥30%
Max Power: 2.4W
Internal By-pass diode: reverse bias protection
Solar cells thickness: 150μm ± 20μm
Sensors: Temperature and Sun (optional Gyroscope)
Available with integrated magnetorquer and RBF-pin
Max Voltage: 4.66V (for 2 cells)
Max Current: 517mA
Panel Dimensions: 82.6mm x 98mm
PCB Thickness: 1.6mm
Mass: ≤44g (53g with magnetorquer)

3U Solar Panel
Power Efficiency: ≥30%
Max Power: 8.4W
Internal By-pass diode: reverse bias protection
Solar cells thickness: 150μm ± 20μm
Sensors: Temperature and Sun (optional Gyroscope)
Available with integrated magnetorquer and RBF-pin
Max Voltage: 16.8V (for 7 cells)
Max Current: 504mA
PCB Thickness: 1.6mm
Mass: ≤127g (155g with magnetorquer)

6U Solar Panel
Power Efficiency: ≥30%
Max Power: 19.2W
Internal By-Pass Diode: reverse bias protection
Solar Cells Thickness: 150μm ± 20μm
Sensors: Temperature and Sun (optional Gyroscope)
MTQ: Integrated H-Bridge for control of external magnetorquer
RBF: Available with Remove Before Flight pin
Max Voltage: 19.2V (for 2x8 cells)
Max Current: 504mA
PCB Thickness 1.6mm
Mass: ≤300g

Образовательная система космической связи
transceivers and a space simulation board
Feautures :
Operating Frequency Bandwidth - 430-450 MHz (physical)
Links - UHF (physical), S-band and X-band
Losses Physical Simulation - free space and additional (atmospheric, polarization etc.) losses
External Noise - interference and jamming
Frequency Compensation - Doppler effects and transceiver compensation
Configurable - Different modulation schemes, transmission speeds and packet parameters
Патч антенна
Feautures :
Frequency Range - 8025 - 8400 MHz
Half Power Beam Width (HPBW) - 74 deg
Gain - 6+ dBi over operational bandwidth
Polarization - Right Hand Circular
Mass - 2.2 g
RF Output Power up to - 4 W

Платформа КубСат 1.5U
with 30% more volume
Feautures :
Bus Mass - 1050 g
Available Payload Mass - 950 g
Available Payload Volume - 97 x 97 x 104 mm3
Average Payload Power Available - 0.9 W
Available Power Buses - 3.3 V, 5 V and Battery raw
Data Rate up to - 19.6 kbps

Платформа КубСат 12U
Earth Observation, IoT, science, and exploration missions
Bus Mass - 6-8 kg (configuration dependent)
Available Payload Mass - 14-16 kg (configuration dependent)
Available Payload Volume - 197 x 197 x 225 mm3
Average Payload Power Available - 20-45 W (configuration dependent)
Available Power Buses - 3.3 V, 5 V, customizable 6-12 V and Battery raw
Telemetry Data Rate up to - 2 Mbps
Payload Data Rate up to - 1 Gbps